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St. Edward's Primary School

What Our Pupils Say

What is it like to be a pupil at St. Edward’s?

  • It is very good because we have great teachers. I also think it is great since the students are great and are very kind.
  • We have lots of badges and certificates on Fridays. We have trips and workshops on different days and on different topics.
  • We have Saturday school for year 6 to help us prepare for secondary school. 
  • We have a climbing frame.
  • It is good as we have lots of clubs and we have different lessons that others might not do.
  • I like being a pupil at St. Edward’s as it is a good school and it is fun to come here every day.
  • This is a lovely school with lovely teachers and students.
  • It is great to be a pupil at St. Edward’s because they award us with kindness. 
  • It is like being in a big family because we get together during assemblies and eat together.
  • It is fun because we get to learn about new things we didn’t know before. We also get help from the teachers and there are also really fun activities.
  • It makes me feel good and proud. I feel I learn a lot from Saturday school.

How do the teachers help you learn?

  • They explain the question and the different methods for them. They make sure that everyone gets a turn at questions.  We have tips to help us learn.
  • They teach us different methods and also, we learn new vocabulary and learning is interactive and everyone gets a turn.
  • They explain it very well so I can learn easier and they give us methods in our learning.
  • Making work as fun for us pupils and at the same time learn new things.
  • They teach us by explaining different methods to a question. They help us by making sure every child understands.  Making every child share the methods on the board.
  • My teacher makes it easy to understand hard maths.
  • They help me learn by explaining words or phrases that I don’t know. They give students the opportunity to interact within lessons.
  • The teachers help us with methods and they explain steps to us when we’re stuck on questions. Teachers give us key vocabulary.  They are fair and interactive.
  • They help me learn with easier methods of learning for those who can’t process much. 
  • They help us learn and help us when we are stuck.
  • Our teacher helps us learn by sharing new methods in maths and explains it clearly.