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St. Edward's Primary School


At St Edward’s we have devised a specific plan of what we want pupils to know and to be able to do, at different stages and by the time they leave our school. As a Catholic school our values reflect those of the church and Religious Education is a core subject that underpins the Catholic life of the school.

The content that we deliver, and the knowledge and skills that we want our children to acquire, are encapsulated in our schemes of work.

Our schemes of work draw on the National Curriculum core and foundation subjects and we have identified what we want pupils to know and be able to do at the end of each key stage.

Personal, Social, Health and Careers Education is taught both discretely but also as part of other areas. There are regular enrichment activities for each year group including trips, opportunities to create and perform music, learn Spanish and a program of extra-curricular activities that include creative and sport opportunities. Our assemblies promote positive Christian messages and attitudes which reflect the values and skills needed for future learning and success.

Teaching teamwork responsibility forms an essential part of our curriculum and enable children to take on key roles e.g. through becoming monitors. Being part of our community and celebrating Catholic festivals and traditions, they learn new skills that prepare them for events throughout the year.

Our goal is that all children (including those that are disadvantaged or have SEND) move onto secondary school from St Edward’s with embedded knowledge that stems from a broad set of learning and enriching experiences, have absorbed cultural capital and having inculcated appropriate values. We aspire that they have a sense of their own worth and that they have developed the confidence and skills needed to be learners for life.