ECO School
At St Edward’s we are aware of the critical environmental challenges currently facing our planet. Such as climate change, pollution of our air and water, and biodiversity.
Environmental disasters negatively impact everyday lives and are featured daily in the news. Each of these challenges will need to be tackled collectively in order to be mitigated or overcome. This makes it vital for us to teach students and the community how to actively protect their planet.
As part of The Eco-Schools programme we are delighted to announce that our ECO committee has been hard at work going through the Eco-Schools Seven Steps and have been awarded the Bronze, Silver and Green flag awards.
We have all worked hard as a school on the following topics:
- Energy: reducing the amount of electricity used on a daily basis.
- Waste: reducing the amount of rubbish we send to landfills through various recycling schemes.
- Biodiversity: by creating a garden and planting around the school.
We all have a choice to make and we all live on the same planet so the choices we make are not just to help ourselves but to help all living creatures and the environment so that we can have a cleaner, greener future.
You may find these materials and resources useful in understanding what is happening to our planet right now.
SCHOOLS PACK: RESOURCES - Together For Our Planet ( Climate Resources and Activities - Science Museum Group Learning Climate change resources for schools | WWF Climate challenge | Oxfam GB A Collated List of Online Climate Change Learning Resources – SEEd (
Mr Abbas
Environmental Coordinator
Eco Committee
Exciting news! We have a full Eco Committee, with children from each class across the school participating:
Year 1 Warner & Retaj
Year 2 Laura &Kamal
Year 3 Marko &Aaliyah
Year 4 Liam & Amira
Year 6 Grace (chair) Billy (minutes)
Pope's Prayer Intention for September